LGBT Parenting

​The concepts of ‘family’ and ‘parenthood’ have changed and are continuing to change – socially, legally and for the better. Cases in which lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender parenting issues arise are becoming increasingly frequent, and are increasingly recognised as requiring an approach and skill-set all of their own. 

29 Bedford Row has been at the forefront of this important, complex and developing area of children law. Members of chambers have appeared in some of the most significant cases in the field and have lectured and written on LGBT parenting issues (including in the LGBT press).

Our LGBT Parenting advocacy and advisory service complements our existing and established financial remedies service in the area of civil partnerships.

"They're very well organised, helpful, provide a high quality service and are very personable."

Chambers & Partners 2025

Rosie Vorri

  • Barrister
  • Call 2023

Areas of Expertise

Family Finance
Children Law
Family law (general)

Alexa Storey-Rea

  • Call 1990

Areas of Expertise

Children Law
Family law (general)

Dafydd Griffiths

  • Call 1997

Areas of Expertise

Family Finance
Children Law
Family law (general)

Paul Storey KC

  • Call 1982 Silk 2001

Areas of Expertise

Children Law