Chambers News

29 Bedford Row is highly ranked in Legal 500 2025 across Family Law
02 October 202429 Bedford Row remains ranked in the top tier for Family: divorce and financial remedy; Family: children and domestic abuse; and Family: private FDR judges and arbitrators in the 2025 Legal 500 UK Bar Guide.
With 46 barristers appearing in the guide a total of 52 times across the core areas of family practice, 29 Bedford Row is particularly pleased to see five barristers ranked for the first time. Richard Tambling, Emily Page, Nicholas Bennett and James Finch all enter the Family: divorce and financial remedy category; while Daniel Jeffrey is named as a ‘Rising Star’ in both the finance, and the children, sections of the guide.
Joint Head of Chambers Nicholas Allen KC said: “These results are reflective of the very strong year that we have had as a chambers. It’s particularly pleasing to see our talented juniors appear in the Legal 500 directory. We’re very grateful to all our clients for taking the time to participate in the research process and for all their support both this year and over many years.”
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